As the manufacturer of Red Rock Outdoor Gear and United States Tactical brands, EMCO Supply, Inc. is focused on maintaining the success of our reseller network. In order to protect the integrity of our products and our resellers investments, EMCO Supply, Inc. has revised and implemented a new Minimum Advertised Price Policy that all resellers must follow while advertising and marketing of Red Rock Outdoor Gear and United States Tactical (“RROG/UST”) products.
Dealers are free to establish their own resale prices, however; EMCO Supply, Inc. (“EMCO”) requires all dealers to advertise at or above the Minimum Advertised Price (“MAP”). Upon EMCO’s verification of any dealer has advertised any RROG/UST products in violation of this policy, EMCO may choose to, without assuming any liability, cancel all orders and may refuse any additional orders from dealer found in violation. By adhering to this policy, it will ensure the further profitability of our Dealers and maintain the quality image of our RROG/UST branded products.
MAP pricing for RROG/UST products can be found on your current price list. All advertised prices must be at or above MAP for RROG/UST products if a MAP price has been established. This policy applies to traditional media along with Internet advertising. Internet advertising includes Amazon, eBay, dealer sites, and any other mode that uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http). Traditional media advertising includes all print, radio and television mediums.
RROG/UST product shall not be sold to any reseller without EMCO’s prior written authorization. Distributors of EMCO are required to provide a signed authorized dealer agreement from any dealer selling RROG/UST products.
EMCO’s MAP Policy shall not apply to any RROG/UST items that have been discontinued or are designated as close outs.
A physical and/or digital copy of MAP Pricing for RROG/UST products will be provided upon request.
First Violation:
EMCO will contact the violator via e-mail, telephone or letter to identify the nature of the violation to the
dealer. A copy of the Policy will be sent to the violator. MAP violations must be corrected within five days.
Upon correction and following 30 days of compliance,
violation will then be cleared.
Second Violation:
For violations not removed after the first notice or for second violations, EMCO will restrict the violator
from purchasing any SKU in the product family involved in this violation for a period of thirty (30) days.
All pending orders may be cancelled, and no new orders may be accepted until violation is cleared.
Upon correction and following 60 days of compliance, violation will then be cleared.
Third Violation:
For violations not removed after the second notice or for third violations, EMCO may restrict the
violator from purchasing any or all RROG/UST products indefinitely or until EMCO provides notice
otherwise. All pending orders may be cancelled, and no new orders may be accepted for the
designated RROG/UST products.
All enforcement procedures shall apply to the entity violating the policy as well as the owners and/or operators of the violator, and to any other organization owned by the owners and/or operators of the violator. For Dealers purchasing from distributors, this Policy may be enforced through a Do-Not-Sell List provided to all distributors.